Founder of a Canadian-based international consulting firm Myers & Associates, former board member of CFRE International, a member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals, a founding Board member of three Foundations, a former Board member of the AFP Canada Council, a former Board member of the Calgary chapter of AFP, a former member of the AFP International Research Council and a member of the International Advisory Board of the Czech Fundraising Centre. Tony is internationally recognized for his expertise in major donor fundraising and major campaign development. His consultancy provides services to clients across Canada and internationally. Myers & Associates specializes in in major gift fundraising, capital campaigns, strategic planning, board development and organizational reviews with an emphasis on crafting sustainable development plans. Tony has written articles for Canadian Fundraiser, local fundraising publications, has recently completed a chapter for two books, “Excellence in Fundraising in Canada” and “Fundraising Feasibility Studies” and in 2012 published “(me)volution” a book he wrote with Jon Duschinsky on Philanthropy. He is now working on his second book. Tony’s strength is in strategy and performance. His experience in developing sustainable fundraising plans has met with real success for small and large organizations. He draws from his experience in setting up three charitable foundations across Canada, and his work in major donor fundraising and major capital campaigns. Tony is sought after as a speaker for conferences around the world on numerous topics related to his work. In 2014, the Calgary Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals recognized Tony as the “Outstanding Fundraising Professional” a recognition given annual to those who has consistently provided exceptional service and leadership to the profession. Passion, enthusiasm, commitment, experience and knowledge … these are the things Tony brings to his work every day. His mission is to help others be successful. His vision is for a world inspired by philanthropy. And he is the first to tell you that he loves his job. He loves to raise money and teach others how to do the same.
Tony Myers
Zakladatel mezinárodní konzultační agentury Myers & Associates, členy správní rady CFRE International, člen Asociace profesionálních fundraiserů, zakládající člen správních rad několika nadací a člen správních rad mnoha dalších prestižních profesních organizací.
Tony je mezinárodně uznávaným odborníkem na fundraising od velkých dárců a na velké kampaně. Klienty má doslova po celém světě. Tony nedávno dokončil kapitoly ve dvou knihách: “Excellence in Fundraising in Canada” a “Fundraising Feasibility Studies”. V roce 2012 vydal spolu s Jonem Duschinskym knihu o filantropii s názvem “(me)volution”.
Tony čerpá z dlouholeté praxe fundraisera a poradce pro strategické iniciativy na několika kanadaských vysokých školách, především z dlouholeté práce na kampaních pro velké dárce.
V roce 2014 získal Tony ocenění „Vynikající profesionální fundraiser od Asociace profesionálních fundraiserů v Calgary. Vášeň, nadšení, odhodlání, zkušenost a vědomosti… to jsou kvality, které dnes Tony přináší do své práce. Jeho životním posláním je pomoci druhým k úspěchu. Jeho vizí je svět inspirovaný filantropií. A jeho první větou obyčejně bývá: „I love my job!“