What we have done


31. 8. 2016
Abchazia 2003 Sustainable Development of NNOs  and Cooperation with Government, Georgia and Abchazia – Youth NNO representatives, (UMCOR) September 2003…


31. 8. 2016
Armenia 2012Social Enterprise Course was designed to help a group of trainees in their role of trainers/consultants and practitioners –…


31. 8. 2016
Azerbaijan 2013 Project “Learning the Experience of NGOs from V4 Countries in Social Entrepreneurship”. Study tour to Czech Republic lasted…


31. 8. 2016
Bulgaria 2015TOT for Bulgarian nonprofits, Prague, Czech Republic, 2015The Strenghten Fundraising Skills of Bulgarian Nonprofits4 - day training in Prague…

Czech Republic

31. 8. 2016
Czech Republic 2014/2015„Central and Eastern European Trainers Network for Fundraising and Long Term Sustainability of the Civil Sector”. Project was…


31. 8. 2016
Estonia 2008/2010Research of local conditions of fundraising for animal protection and WSPAfundraising capacity regional development was implemented by the Resource…


31. 8. 2016
Georgia 2014/2015„Central and Eastern European Trainers Network for Fundraising and Long Term Sustainability of the Civil Sector”. Project was focused…


31. 8. 2016
Hungary 2014/2015„Central and Eastern European Trainers Network for Fundraising and Long Term Sustainability of the Civil Sector”. Project was focused…


31. 8. 2016
Iraq 2004/2005 Under the People in Need leadership the Czech Fundraising Centre (Jana Ledvinova and Petr Baboucek) participated as key…


31. 8. 2016
Jordan 2012/2013  Specialized Workshop for Enhancing the Capacities of the Trainer Network in JordanTraining for trainer’s courses was implemented to strengthen…


31. 8. 2016
Moldova 2014/2015„Central and Eastern European Trainers Network for Fundraising and Long Term Sustainability of the Civil Sector”. Project was focused…


31. 8. 2016
Poland 2014/2015„Central and Eastern European Trainers Network for Fundraising and Long Term Sustainability of the Civil Sector”. Project was focused…