Abchazia 2003 Sustainable Development of NNOs and Cooperation with Government, Georgia and Abchazia – Youth NNO representatives, (UMCOR) September 2003…
Bulgaria 2015TOT for Bulgarian nonprofits, Prague, Czech Republic, 2015The Strenghten Fundraising Skills of Bulgarian Nonprofits4 - day training in Prague…
Estonia 2008/2010Research of local conditions of fundraising for animal protection and WSPAfundraising capacity regional development was implemented by the Resource…
Georgia 2014/2015„Central and Eastern European Trainers Network for Fundraising and Long Term Sustainability of the Civil Sector”. Project was focused…
Hungary 2014/2015„Central and Eastern European Trainers Network for Fundraising and Long Term Sustainability of the Civil Sector”. Project was focused…
Jordan 2012/2013 Specialized Workshop for Enhancing the Capacities of the Trainer Network in JordanTraining for trainer’s courses was implemented to strengthen…
Moldova 2014/2015„Central and Eastern European Trainers Network for Fundraising and Long Term Sustainability of the Civil Sector”. Project was focused…