
Turkey 2006/2007

Reproductive Health Programme in Turkey supporting

  • CSO sustainability – options for CSOs to mobilise resources and what is involved in building their capacity to do this.
  • CSO networks – models of successful network formation and financing
  • Planning a series of workshops for CSOs designed to facilitate the creation of a sustainable network in reproductive health.

A four day workshop was conducted inAnkarafrom 27-30 November.  The first two days were a training in CSO sustainability covering sources of funds and other support, techniques for securing support and linked issues around CSO management capacities, programme quality, accountability and financial management.  The third day focused on why a CSO network is needed, what it will do and what MoH can do to assist such a network. A four day workshop was conducted in Ankara from 5-8 March 2007.  The meeting was attended by 17 representatives from 14 CSOs and by members of the MoH CSO team. A five day Workshop was conducted in Ankara from 26-30 March 2007.  The meeting was attended by 12-14 representatives from 16 CSOs and by members of the MoH CSO team. Trainers: Simon Collings and Jana Ledvinová.

More information could be found here:  http://2021.fundraising.cz/v1/reproductive-health-programme-in-turkey/

The project was implemented by the Resource Alliance together with the Czech Fundraising Center (Czech Republic) partner of the Resource Alliance.