


List of POINT network members, trainers, consultants, experts etc.
You can choose the best one according to the topic you want to cover and the country they live in.

Adelina Lungu

Adelina Lungu

Fundraising Moldova

I graduated Sociology and Italian at State University , Moldova in 2000. In 2009 I achieved a master degree in sociology. In 2009 I studied at the European Institute for Political Studies. I have attended various trainings on human rights, youth policy development and strategic planning. I worked as a lecturer at the Free International University of Moldova, as a sociologist at the Public Opinion Barometer 2007-2010, and for three years as executive director of Euro-Asia Foundation. Currently I work as program coordinator in the organization Pro Community Center, being involved in strategic planning, experience in local youth development strategies, fundraising activities at the local level promoting, editing and publishing of information materials, guides on community development for local representatives, organising of study visits and other exchange activities, elaboration of researches and other analytical materials.

Aliona Badiur

Aliona Badiur

Fundraising Moldova

Aliona has more that 10 years experience in NGOs.  Between 2011-2013 worked as a consultant in the Community Mobilization Project in the 2 villages from Republic of Moldova. During 2014-2016 she attended 2 ToT(s) in Fundraising and Resource Mobilization. She started to work as a co-trainer in activities on fundraising topics.

Cătălina-Ecaterina Mihailiuc

Cătălina-Ecaterina Mihailiuc

Fundraising, Public Relations, Leadership training Moldova

The experience of TOT was one in life you can have. It empowered me with so much confidence that now I really dare to challenge myself and the participants of my trainings. Since I came back from  TOT Summer school I have applied so much from what I learned there and it was a real success.

The new methods and experiential approach it is very effective and the trainers were the models I will always have as a reference for excellence. Thank you!

David Tsiskaridze

David Tsiskaridze

Financial management, Organizational development, Partnership Building, Strategic planning Georgia

Mr. David Tsiskaridze (PhD in Energy and El engineering) is a chairman of International Business and Economic Development Center (IBEDC), one of the emerging BSO in Georgia, with eight years managing experience, responsible for overall management, decision making, strategic planning and coordination of the development projects. David has reach consultancy working experience as a expert in the framework of International projects including EU International and Regional programs (EU Commission, ENPI and Black Sea CBC program). David is coordinator of HDM working group of EaP CSF. He is professional Auditor and tax expert with 20 years of diversified experience. He is currently Managing Partner of audit and consulting company in Georgia. He has significant background in taxation from both the private and public sector, with seven years of  working experience as the Tax auditor in the state Tax authorities in Georgia.

Edit Kovacs

Edit Kovacs

Fundraising Hungary

I am an optimist. It does not seem too much use being anything else.“ by Winston Churchill.

I believe in the power of civil society to make life more meaningful for humankind. That is why I have been supporting the work of charitable organisations for the last fifteen years and have developed my expertise in nonprofit management, organisational development and grant scheme coordination. I look forward to making the most of my skills as a member of the Trainer’s Network.

Eduard Marček

Eduard Marček

Fundraising Slovakia

Eduard has been working in the nonprofit sector since 1997, has rich experience from many consulting and training projects at home and abroad (e.g. strengthening fundraising capacities of non-governmental development organizations in four countries of Central Europe in collaboration with the UK’s Resource Alliance). As a consultant deals with NGO fundraising and financing, cross-sector collaboration and involving companies in community support within responsible business. He provided consultation services to a number of domestic and international non-governmental organizations, worked on various analytical studies across Central Europe. Eduard is a co-founder and head of the Slovak Fundraising Centre, represents Slovakia in the European Fundraising Association and annually co-organizes the CEE Fundraising Conference in Bratislava.

Ekaterina Gejadze

Ekaterina Gejadze

Fundraising Georgia

Ekaterine Gejadze is a women’s human rights defender and fundraiser with Women’s Fund in Georgia (WFG;http://www.womenfundgeorgia.org/), a local foundation working on the protection of women’s rights, advocacy and feminist activism in Georgia. Ekaterine is responsible for WFG’s overall program coordination, proposal development and donor relationship building. She has an MA degree in Gender Studies from the Central European University (Hungary), where her research concentrated on women’s political participation in Georgia in the period following the ‘Rose Revolution’. Her thesis was published as a book in 2010. She is currently in her second year of a PhD program in Gender Studies at Tbilisi State University (TSU). Ekaterine has undergone the training courses in ‘Fundraising’ and ‘Training of Trainers’ provided by Czech Fundraising Center. She plans to implement her acquired knowledge and practice by training representatives of Georgian women’s organizations and grassroots groups (WFG’s grantees) in fundraising issues.

Eleonora Mura

Eleonora Mura

Communication, Intercultural issues, Training and consulting skils, Team Work, sustainable and inclusive development, values-based education and ethics education Italy

Eleonora works as a Program Officer for Arigatou International and she is an International Trainer of the Program Learning to Live Together (LTLT). She has supported the implementation of the LTLT program for interfaith and intercultural education in several countries, including providing technical support for UNICEF and UNESCO in the design and implementation of programs to infuse values-based education and ethics education for children in national curricula. Eleonora is also in charge of partnership development and resource mobilisation as well as program design and advocacy.

She has over 10 years of experience in the field of sustainable and inclusive development working both with international organisations and NGOs. Prior to her engagement with Arigatou International Geneva, Eleonora worked for the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (international IDEA) in Stockholm, Sweden.

She also worked to support the inclusion of while supporting the work of a start-up NGO in Prague, Czech Republic, as well as while working as a consultant for the Roma Education Fund, based in Budapest Hungary. Both organisations have the mandate to promote inclusive education for the Roma minority in Central and Eastern Europe.

Eleonora also worked for the United Nations Peace Keeping Mission in Western Sahara (MINURSO), the Embassy of Italy to Syria and the United Nations Volunteers Headquarters in Bonn, Germany. She holds a Master degree in International and Public Affairs from the LUISS School of Government and a Master degree in International Relations, specialising in Human Rights protection from the University of Florence. Eleonora is originally from Italy and speaks Italian, English, French, Czech and Spanish.

George Pkhakadze

George Pkhakadze

Fundraising Georgia

From 2008 to present time is involved in academic and informal education processes.
He leads and conducts short and long term learning programs in Shota Rustaveli state Theatre and Cinema University.
He is involved in organizing projects in fields of culture and education in NGO sector.
He performs strategic planning, methodological and management development issues.
He has published papers in cultural management and financial architecture of culture.
He takes part in fundraising campaigns, which aim at fostering development of youth educational and cultural environment. He helps develop volunteering in Georgia. 

• Rustaveli Theatre and Cinema university
• Lecture course – Cultural management (Shota Rustaveli state Theatre and Cinema University)
• Training course – “Fundaments of Generating Ideas”
• Training course – “From Ideas to the projects”
• Training course – “Culture of writing projects”
• Training course – “Culture of Presenting ”
• Training course – “Young Leader”

Gheorghe Zastavneţchi

Gheorghe Zastavneţchi

Fundraising Moldova

I’m 25, I graduated from Pedagogical College, Specialty technological education teacher, although I haven’t had experience like a teacher than during practice, bu I love this area and certainly if I have the opportunity, I would like to be a teacher. Since 2010 I am a student of the State University of Moldova, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, now I am studying social services management master’s program, from early student years I was employed in an NGO in the field of social inclusion of children with disabilities. I recently graduated from the Political Academy, class of 2014. Besides various trainings in education / protection of rights of persons with disabilities, I was a volunteer in projects aimed to increase civic involvement, advocasy and probation. I have always been and I’m open for projects that help me to grow personally and professionally, and to change the lives / situation in my country.

Ioana Traista

Ioana Traista

Fundraising, Marketing, Partnership Building, Media Relations, Event Management, Public Relations Romania

I work as a Communications and Fundraising Manager within PACT Foundation in Romania. I have always loved words and all the possibilities they open for us. But at the same time, I found order and structure in numbers. Before doing fundraising, I didn’t know there is a way to combine both. What I love about fundraising is that it opens new worlds for all of us and it pushes me to be disciplined both for my cause, as well as for myself as a professional and not only.

Iryna Bilous

Iryna Bilous

Fundraising Ukraine

Iryna Bilous has an extensive experience and a proven track-record of almost 20 years being a trainer, supervisor and facilitator for representatives of NGOs in Ukraine and other countries. Having teacher’s background she started as the NGO trainer back in 1997 mostly working with the youth civil society organizations from Sweden, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia and other countries.

When her organization joined the network of the Ukrainian Resource centers she did a lot of trainings on the organizational capacity to community based NGOs operating in Donetsk oblast. In 2006 she received a certificate from the Council of Europe as the trainer for Human Rights Educations and since then has been heavily involved into Human rights education activities both in Ukraine and in the Council of Europe events in the capacity of the trainer and facilitator.

Jan Kroupa

Jan Kroupa

Fundraising Czech Republic

Jan has over 15 years of experience as a consultant, trainer and researcher in the field of philanthropy, resource mobilization, leadership and management of civil society organizations in more than a dozen countries around the world, primarily in Central and Eastern Europe. He is the co-founder of the Czech Fundraising Center and the Chair of NETT – the Civil Society Think Tank (www.ttnett.cz). Jan serves as a board member of several civil society organizations in the CEE region.

Jana Ledvinová

Jana Ledvinová

Fundraising Czech Republic

Executive chair of the Czech Fundraising Center, Jana has over 15 years of experience as a trainer and consultant of fundraising and CSO management in the Czech Republic, in Central and Eastern Europe and in the Middle East. She gained her experiences from founding and for over 20 years serving as the CEO of an environmental education organization in the Czech Republic. She studied NGO management at the Institute of Policy Studies at the , she was the John´s Hopkins University in Baltimore, USA.

Jolan van Herwaarden

Jolan van Herwaarden

Fundraising Netherlands

Jolan začala před 20 lety pracovat pro Holandský Fund proti Aids jako aktivistka a dobrovolnice, protože se v Amsterdamu tehdy šířil virus HIV. Netrvalo dlouho a organizovala obrovské celostátní fundraisingové akce jako Pochod pro život a Světový den Aids. Po šesti letech, už jako profesionální fundraiser, začala pracovat pro organizaci za práva žen. Dotáhla to až na ředitelku fundraisingu a komunikace u velké mezinárodní rozvojové agentury nebo postavila program pro velké dárce pro Společnost proti Rakovině. Před 12 lety se Jolan přestěhovala z Holandska do Velké Británie a začala působit mezinárodně. Jolan je součástí široké sítě odborníků a zprostředkovává sdílení zkušeností mezi fundraisery z celého světa. Uplynulých 14 let vedla na Mezinárodním kongresu fundraisingu v Holandsku dobrovolnickou sekci. Ve střední Evropě se Jolan aktivně pohybuje 4 roky. Její semináře jsou oblíbené v Bratislavě, v Budapešti, v Praze i ve Varšavě, tematicky se pohybuje od aktivismu a advokacie až po velké dárce a firmy sponzory.

Kristine Kandelaki

Kristine Kandelaki

Fundraising Georgia

Trainer and Consultant of the Center for Strategic Research and Development of Georgia (CSRDG) in the field of organizational development.  Consultant in various topics of Organizational Development (OD): needs assessment, strategic planning, human resource development, resource mobilization, and etc.

Psychologist by her background, Kristine Kandelaki holds MBA in Work and Organizational Psychology. She has intensive experience in designing and delivering tailored trainings not only for CSOs, but also for business and public organization.  The trainings include following topics: leadership and team building, general management, human resources management, resource mobilization, project management, effective sales, communication and presentation skills, effective customer service, and etc.

Lenka Dobias Cerna

Lenka Dobias Cerna

Fundraising, Marketing, Corporate partnership Czech Republic

She graduated from the University of Economics in Prague and the prestigious Dutch International Institute of Social Studies in Den Haag with a degree in Development Studies. She has experienced life in the most deprived areas of the world, e.g. she lived 2 years in Uganda where she initiated and led the Child Sponsorship program for Caritas Prague and raised funds for the Czech-Ugandan hospital. For 5 years, through her family company Excellent Plzen, she promoted the concept of fair trade and marketed fair trade products to the corporate sector as part of their CSR. In 2010 she was selected as one of the Icons of the Pilsen city. Since 2012 she is an independent consultant. She specializes in fundraising, marketing and corporate partnerships. 

Ludmila Vasilov

Ludmila Vasilov

Fundraising Moldova

“Just do it!” – the Nike motto guides me in everyday life.  Action is needed for many concepts to be learned and delivered and attitudes to be changed. It is a part of what I try to do within DVV International in Moldova (German Association for Adult Education) in the Republic of Moldova – provision of consultations with some trainings for the network of NGOs and Centers for Adult Education on resource mobilization and citizens pro-active involvement. The aim of the actions is to address local community problems and learning/educational needs of different categories of population. Projects implemented by local NGOs are supported conceptually and financially by our organization. The thematic areas cover a range of activities, such as facilitation of labour market inclusion, diversification of adult education services in cultural institutions (libraries, houses of culture, museums, etc.), sustainable ecological education, empowering seniors, unemployed people, women, youth through trainings in health, computer literacy, national traditions etc.

Magda Sadlowska

Magda Sadlowska

Fundraising, Individual Fundraising Poland

Magda has worked in the field of fundraising and communication for different organizations including, among others, Amnesty International, Empowering Children Foundation and Watchdog Poland, for  over 10 years. She was a speaker during International Conferences (Poland, Slovakia), and has also been a consultant and advisor.

Magda has extensive expertise in building fundraising from scratch, building teams and creating and implementing a fundraising strategy. She is an expert in individual fundraising including face to face and door to door programmes, telemarketing campaigns, lead generation actions e.g. Letter Writing Marathon organised by  Amnesty International Poland. Enjoys making NGOs financially independent and secure.

Marcin Tischner

Marcin Tischner

Fundraising, Partnership building and networking, Corporate Social Responsibility, Business_NGO Cooperation, Corporate Fundraising Poland

Marcin Tischner, Poland – passionate and specialized in the topic of business-NGO cooperation. Huge fan of social economy, corporate social responsibility (CSR), corporate community involvement/investment (CCI), corporate fundrasing and social innovations Marcin gained his experience as a fundraiser working for AIESEC Cracow and Fundacja Machina Fotografika. Involved in projects related to corporate social responsibility: Forum Odpowiedzialnego Biznesu and CSR Festival Cracow. Participant of Training of Trainers Summer School, Czech Republic. Marcin has also international experience in business-NGO field working for Lariche Community, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Since 2015, the founder of Fundacja Aktywne NGO, running consultations for NGO in Poland and the initiator of Pozytywna Firma project – promoting CCI and CSR.

Mariam Abuladze

Mariam Abuladze

Fundraising Georgia

Mariam Abuladze is  trainer at EMT – Educational and Management team,CISV-Georgia and SIQA – Georgian Association of Educational Initiatives since 2008.

She attains  working experience of 7 years on positions of trainer  with business Organizations,  International and local non governmental organizations and local Ministries. Her list of training participants  includes groups with different age, social and ethnical background.  She works as a trainer  and is author of training modules on the topics such as effective communication, conflict management, time management, stress management, strategy building, Creativity and Thinking out of box, team work, leadership, Art of persuasion, Presentation and facilitation skills, Debate, PCM, Service + and etc. 

From 2008 she has attended national and international training courses and was part of international program Advanced Training Methods and Techniques for Adult Learning (Czech Fundraising
Center), Coaching  For Change, New prospects for Minorities and Inclusive Europe , WAYS TO TEACH CULTURAL DIFFERENCES AND DIVERSITY– Masterclasses  for youth workers and business trainers , Training For Researchers by University of Essex  and Westminster Foundation For Democracy and etc,

Her IT skills include professional knowledge of MS Office , COREL, Prezi, Adobe Photoshop Elements 9, Go!Animation, PowToon, Magisto, Corel Draw, Google based Programs.

For more Detailed information please visit:  Mariami Abuladze  CV

Mariam Merabishvili

Mariam Merabishvili

Fundraising Georgia

I am working in Georgian-Polish NGO “Foundation of Economic education of Georgia” as a project director, our working principle based on the networking and we have two networks: REGNET (Regional Development Network) and TURINET (Tourism Development Network). I am the type of person which always looks for the ways to develop personal and professional skills and knowledge; therefore I have attended many conferences, trainings, workshops on the various topics. Currently I am in Warsaw (Poland) learning on MBA (Master of Business Administration) in The University of Warsaw.

Michael Rzysko

Michael Rzysko

Fundraising Poland

Trainer and fundraiser. Linked with NGOs since 2003. He is in building relationships with private donors and bizesem. He trains with fundraising, promotion and cooperation with the media.

Mónika Jelinkó

Mónika Jelinkó

Fundraising Hungary

I am a Hungarian trainer, mentor and youth expert. I am mainly working with NGO’s offering trainings and support them in different projects. But also working as a mentor in a youth office, where I give personal and professional support to my collegues.

The TOT Summer School gave me the possibilities to challange myself ad develop on the filelds I am new in. Helped me a lot to meet new techniques and approaches, which influenced not only my professional but my personal life also.

Olga Nikolska

Olga Nikolska

Fundraising Ukraine

Consultant in the field of fundraising and organizational development, trainer. Member of the Board of the Institute of Professional Fundraising, Ukraine since 2007. Has profound experience in project and grant management.

Pavle Tvaliashvili

Pavle Tvaliashvili

Fundraising Georgia

Pavle Tvaliashvili is from Georgia. He is professional trainer since 1998. He works with NGOs, International organizations, business and governmental organizations as a trainer, consultant and expert. After graduation of Master and Aspirantura courses in University P.Tvaliashvili have attended different trainings of Trainers and received permeations for work as a trainer. He is specialized in Youth, Adults, formal and non-formal education, organizational and professional development. P. Tvaliashvil is a master-teacher and worldwide supporter/mentor for teachers and youth workers in educational methodology. Working on PhD research about Influence of project management on managers competences.

Peter Guštafík

Peter Guštafík

Fundraising, Organizational development, Intercultural issues Slovakia

Peter works as a trainer and consultant in Partners for Democratic Change Slovakia, specializing in fundraising, organizational development, and intercultural issues. He has co-authored books Hearts and Money Beyond Borders, Non-profits and Profit, Business Handbook for Nonprofit Organizations, and Reader for Advanced Nonprofit Organizations.

He facilitated three international programmes by the British Council and helped develop fundraising and organizational capacities of environmental, social, health-care, educational, and youth-oriented NGOs in Central and Eastern Europe, countries of the Eastern Partnership, and northern Africa.

Petr Babouček

Petr Babouček

Fundraising, Financial management and accounting, Social Enterpreneurship, Training and consulting skils Czech Republic

After studies at Prague School of Economics and Johns Hopkins University Institute for Policy Studies I worked in not-for-profit educational organization as financial manager and accountant. I spent there 15 years, last two years in the position of executive director of the organization. In the same time I started to share my knowledge and experience with other nonprofits as a trainer and consultant. I was one of the founding members of Czech Fundraising Centre which started as an educational program within the nonprofit organization and later became an independent not-for-profit organization. During my work in nonprofit sector I have lead numerous workshops in fields mentioned above for hundreds of participants from Czech nonprofit organizations.

In 2005 I finished my job for nonprofit organization and became self-employed accountant, trainer and advisor. I started to work as an external accountant for nonprofits and small business companies and I kept on collaboration with CFC. Together we carried out numerous trainings and consultancy activities in Czech Republic and different countries in Central and Eastern Europe and former Soviet Republics (for example: Poland, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, Georgia, Armenia, Estonia, Kyrgyzstan). In the future I would like to continue with my small accounting company and in collaboration with CFC in the field of trainings and consultancies.

Petra Kašparová

Petra Kašparová

Fundraising Czech Republic

Petra is focused on fundraising since 2012, when she completed an internship in the US targeted on cultural fundraising. Since 2011 she collaborates with renowned Czech contemporary dance company 420PEOPLE, where she works as a production manager and fundraiser.Among other activities - she is a board member in professional organization Vision of Dance and a board member in newly founded Dance career endowment fund.

Serghei Ţapordei

Serghei Ţapordei

Fundraising Moldova

My name is Serghei Tapordei and I am 25 years old. I am living in Balti city which is situated in northern part of the Republic of Moldova. In 2012 I graduate the Law faculty of State University „Alecu Russo“ from Balti city, Republic of Moldova. Since 2012, I am working as a lawyer in NGO „University Legal Clinic“ from Balti city. I like to help people for solving their law problems.

Svitlana Kuts

Svitlana Kuts

Fundraising Ukraine

For almost 20 years of practical work in the NGOs Svitlana Kuts has a number of research publications on civil society, philanthropy, NGOs organizational capacity building and better governance in the world and Ukraine. Svitlana has initiated a certified course for Ukrainian fundraisers, trained and consulted more than 100 NGOs on capacity building including fundraising from individuals and corporations in Ukraine and internationally. She is a founder of the Institute of Professional Fundraising in Ukraine, member of the Board of Directors of the European Fundraising Association, Ukrainian Philanthropists Association (2011-2012), Ukrainian SOS Kinderdorf, Head of Organizing Committee of the National Philanthropy Award (2010).

Svitlana Pinchuk

Svitlana Pinchuk

Fundraising Ukraine

My name is Svitlana Pinchuk, I am from Ukraine. I work in media development non-profit in Kyiv and am a board member of Institute of Professional Fundraising in Ukraine. I enjoy focusing on the topics of capacity building, raising funds, media and journalism and believe that a network of NGO leaders can make a real change.

Tea Lobjanidze

Tea Lobjanidze

Fundraising Georgia

Tea has over 16 years of experience as a trainer, project coordinator, author of educational materials, handouts in the field of formal and non-formal education. She delivers seminars, trainings for youth, teachers, community leaders, NGOs about civic education, values education, community development, project management, training for trainers, teaching and learning methods. She is a story teller and a writer. She also creates stories for kids and supports educators with new methods, instruments, texts, activities on values education.

Tudor Lazar

Tudor Lazar

Fundraising Moldova

Tudor Lazar activates in the non-profit sector since 2013. Since then he delivered different trainings for Youth organizations and students, with topics mainly based on youth’s rights, capacity building of youth’s organizations etc. Currently he works as a lawyer/legal consultant in the private sector and is involved in different volunteering activites. He is also the Vice-President of the NGO “Students Alliance of Moldova”.

Valentyna Bochkovska

Valentyna Bochkovska

Fundraising Ukraine

 I am happy person and try to live listen my heart and soul! My motto „Godete la vita“ (Enjoy your life). I love my close people and like my work cos it’s amazing! I have every day the nice opportunity to explore the world and myself as well. I research old and rare books, write books, create festivals and exhibitions and travel a lot! When I have a free time I am playing piano and meet with my friends.

Veronica Ţîmbalari

Veronica Ţîmbalari

Fundraising Moldova

At present I am working as executive director of AE Neoumanist/Moldova.This is an organization that runs 4 social projects for the elderly citizens. Graduated University of Balti (Foreign languages department/English, French.) Followed and obtained certificates and diplomas in: Democratic Leadership (on-line master degree), Project writing (Romania,diploma), Human Resources Management, Financial Management, Fundraising, TOT (CFC , 2014), Strategic Planning(Moldova). For future I plan to study about tourism administration, as I intend to develop a new direction of our organization- social tourism.

The TOT Summer school organized by CFC was one of the best training I ever joined and the tools I acquire there will help me a lot in my future plans.

Viacheslav Zyrianov

Viacheslav Zyrianov

Fundraising Ukraine

Viacheslav has over 9 years of experience in NGOs and over 5 years of experience in fundraising for NGOs.

Currently, the movement of parents with children with special needs in Ukraine is intensified. There are more and more requests for training and education. Organizations representatives express requests for organizational development, strategic planning, and special demand is in fundraising trainings. Participation ToT by Czech Fundraising Center improved his skills for further delivery of knowledge to those who needs it the most.

Victoria Nacu

Victoria Nacu

Fundraising Moldova

I was born and started my activities in non-profit sector in Republic of Moldova in 2005. I worked both for national and international organisation in the field of Education, Human rights – migrants rights and rights of Victims of Trafficking; advocacy and public policy development. In 2012 I moved to Romania and I am Coordinating projects and providing trainings for People to People NGO (Romania) and providing consultancy and developing projects for Dutch-Romanian Foundation – TransForma.

Zaal Anjaparidze

Zaal Anjaparidze

Fundraising Georgia

Zaal Anjaparidze has been working for Eurasia Partnership Foundation since 2008 as a senior program manager in charge of civil society program. Zaal manages EPF grant programs and operational activities aimed at development of civil sector and building capacity of civic actors. He manages NGO clinic counseling grassroots NGOs on development and organizational issues, including project writing and fundraising, participates in the design and management of EPF ‘s grant programs and operational projects, delivers seminars and training for NGOs about civic monitoring and advocacy. Zaal is a member of EPF team for organizational development providing NGOs the assistance in improving their institutional capacity.

Zaal Anjaparidze received his master’s from the Georgian Institute of Mass Media and Public Communications. Prior to joining EPF he worked as public information and citizen participation manager at several USAID-funded projects in Georgia. He also worked with various Georgian NGOs. In 2000-2001, he was editor in chief of the English-language weekly “Georgia Today.”  Zaal is also a Georgia contributor to the various international publications.