The Summer School was held from April 17 till April 24, 2016 in Statek Výšice in Southern Bohemia ( It was a very pleasant place in the middle of traditional agriculture landscape.
The program of the Summer School was focused on advanced training methods and techniques to support effective learning process of fundraising and nonprofit management in CEE countries. We arranged various workshops covering all necessary parts of the successful experiential learning process. We also shared different trainer´s experiences and methods from trainer´s „kitchen“and enriched the event by the cultural specifics and challenges for the training. Last but not least, we supported the group of participants to become real group of friends and long term team of confident and strong leaders for the civil sector sustainability in our part of the world. We incorporated to the program several outdoor and indoor games to achieve this ambitious goal.
This was a true continuation of a diverse and cooperating network of training and consulting professionals serving civic sector sustainability in the CEE region.