Fundraising training
Modules range from 1 day introductory training to 12 days of training for professional fundraisers.
Social Enterprise training
Tested 3 to 5 days training modules of social entrepreneurship.
Training of trainers
Variable 3 to 10 days training modules for trainers of fundraising, social enterprise or CSO leadership and management.
Facilitation of strategic planning
3 to 5 days facilitation and consulting work according to specific needs of the client.
Facilitation of fundraising strategy development
3 to 5 days facilitation and consulting work according to specific needs of the clients.
Facilitation of the social entrepreneurship development strategy
3 to 5 days facilitation and consulting work according to specific needs of the clients.
Study visits to the Czech Republic and other countries of the CEE region (optionally to the UK)
3 to 10 days study tours to visit CEE organizations who implement similar programs or strategies and have experiences, skills and ideas to share.